What are potential customers looking for when visiting a website?

  • Who?
  • What?
  • When?
  • Where?
  • Why?
  • How much?

By taking the time to answer all of these questions when writing content for your website, you are essentially writing your company’s story. You are writing about who your company is, what the company does, when the company does it, where the company is located, why the company was created, and how much your services and products cost.

People are more apt to do business with and support a company that tells their story. It doesn’t have to cover every little detail about your company, but simply enough for consumers to learn about who you are and how your company got to where it is today. Not only do they want to know how you got there, but also why it’s important to you and the community. Why do you do what you do, how does it benefit your community, what made you want to start this business, etc.? People care about these pieces of your company’s story.

At Matmon, we have professional writers ready to help you tell your story. Our experienced writers have provided a multitude of companies with zero content on the table, with a website that speaks volumes and entices potential customers to engage in business with them. Talk with a Matmon representative today and learn more about how we can help you!