This article shows how efficient a blog is at bringing new leads to a business. According to the article, 69% of businesses said they increased their leads through blogging, right behind SEO at 75%. When you consider that blogging greatly optimizes your site for search engines, the benefits of blogging are really considerable.
At Matmon, we completely agree with this article and we suggest that our clients practice this as well. We can see the benefits of our blog just by looking at our analytics.
These are the most visited pages on our site, with our home page in first position, and the Matmon’s blog in second. Additionally, 70% of the visits to the blog are from organic sources, against only 43% for the site as whole. This means that most visitors reaching our site through our blog are not trying to reach Matmon and become potential customers.
However, lead generation is not the main reason Matmon has a blog. We aim to become a resource for our current clients and other people needing interactive services, to give advice on little things that clients can do themselves, or offer information on services they are researching. Getting leads is just the icing.
To read more about how writing a blog can benefit your site, read this article at FUEL LINES.